No Industrial Park

Save Our Serenity, Safety, and Heritage

Join us at the Wilson Courthouse June 21st at 10:00 AM to make your voices heard!

Hillwood has officially submitted their plans to move forward with the development. This will be discussed at the Wilson County Planning Commission meeting, Friday June 21st at 10:00AM on the second floor of the Wilson County Courthouse.

We need to come out in full support. Every man, woman, and child needs to be in attendance. Please, bring your family, friends, neighbors, church members, etc. A strong community showing is vital in communicating where we stand on this issue. The time for action is now.

We encourage everyone to act respectfully and honorably to all local laws and established guidelines, including courthouse policies. No signs will be allowed in the courthouse. There's no law against carrying a sign in public, however, and certainly no laws preventing No Industrial Park apparel. Cordinate with neighbors, and utilize our “right of the people to peaceably assemble” to the full extent of our abilities!

The fate of our community depends on it!

Wilson County TN is Under Threat

Hillwood, a Texas-based company with connections to the Perot family, is eyeing approximately 1,400 acres of our farmland just off exit 245, Linwood / Bobo Road.

Their intention is to transform our serene countryside into a bustling industrial zone

We Must Save Our Heritage
Current Farm Picture

Pastures for Parking Lots. Cedars for Cranes. Cattle for Conex.

Overcrowding our area, destroying our scenery, and forcing out our agriculture.

Our schools, community, and culture will never be the same.

From An Industrial Eyesore
Despair Image

It begins with a 1400 Acre Farm

South side of I-40 from Linwood Rd to Bell Rd is where it STARTS

Imagine the mess they've made off 840 right here in our backyard

And once the "industrial zoning" genie is out of the bottle, there's no stopping it

Watertown, Alexandria, and Carthage will fall. Once industrial sets in, no farm, forest, pasture, or creek will be safe

Land Map

Make Your Voice Heard

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